Nin, an apartment owner, has to horribly face the extraordinary matter when hundreds of cobra hell bending toward to unreasonably kill people living the apartment.
Doctor Sadayu, was called to save people bitten by cobras and found that they came from the basement of “Nin” his ex-girlfriend’s apartment and hunting people without mercy!
Pai, a young reporter was sent to find the real evident of these extraordinary matters and finally become the witness of the horrible thing inside the building.
Nobody can escape and try to selfishly snatch only one serum left , Sadayu saw people in the apartment were bitten and dead one by one even his younger brother “Vit” .He suspect that his ex-girlfriend and her aunt hiding some secret behind this matter.
Whether if what happened is the pay back for people once ever intruded their land, which is the curse of landlord spirit. How could they survive?